Thursday, August 30, 2012

The List

Hey Team!
Welcome to my new blog, as you know I have had many attempts at blogging and never seem to follow through with it. I am hoping that my goal of having a bucket list, will develop a purpose and need for my desire to blog. Thus I have started this diary of a blog, focusing on the development of my journey through the process of my bucket list. I use the term bucket list because I simply have no better choice of words to describe this list, by no means is it a bucket list, I have no plans to "kick the bucket". Secondly the concept of a bucket list is unappealing to me, the idea of having a list that you are cemented into suggests to develop a rigid structure for ones life. In fact this list is more of a 10 year list, I hope that through this journey I get to experience a lot of great new things as well as re-experience some old things....I also feel that as I stumble through this process I am most likely going to come across great ideas for a future list...therefor this is my 10 year list not my bucket list. My final reason for placing my plans in this blog is to allow people the ability to stay in tune with what i am doing, and encourage them to take part along the way.
So I leave you with the famous words of Kool Aid
PS I think part of my inspiration to do this sparked after the crew and I completed the Juan Da Fuca trail( AKA Guna FUCKYA trail)... It made me realize that I should place more emphases in reaching out and trying different things that could bring me joy or past things that have always and remain to be amazing.