Thursday, October 11, 2012

#39 Watch a Guy's 100 movie list (In progress)

Maximum Man Movie List

                                  "Everything I learned, I learned from the movies" 
                                                         `Audrey Hepburn

So today I will be talking about #39 on my list (Watch a guys movie list). I have already started on this and have been working on it for awhile now. In order to pick what list I would use I goggled "top guy movies list", there was a lot of different sites that offered lists of movies. I chose to go with Maximum's list for two reasons: 1) I had not seen many movies on the list 2) Maximum seems like they would know what classify as a guys movie.

I have also decided to rate the movies on the list, the following is my rating system:

5 star movie ( one of the best movies I've seen)
4.5 star movie ( very good movie, I would buy it!)
4 star movie  (great movie)
3.5 star movie (good movie)
3 star movie (Ok movie)
2 star movie (bad movie)
1 star movie (so bad I couldn't finish watching it)

I will attach a page to show my progress of the movies I watch on the list, as I finish the films I will cross them off and give them a rating so people know if they are worth watching.

Busting through another item Captain KOOLAID!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

# 44 Have a Home Bar (In Progress)

Building a Bar One Glass of Whiskey at a Time

“Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy.” 
― Frank Sinatra

I'd like to start of this entry with drawing attention to the video above, this man is the inspiration for #44 (have a home bar). He's the kind of guy that will be allowed to drink at my bar! OK OK all jokes aside Marshal Raylen Givens is not the REAL reason why I want a home bar. Some of you might be wondering why I want a bar at all, considering I don't even drink that much, nor do I drink anything other then whiskey when I do drink. The TRUE reason for starting this hobby is because I see it as a great conversation starter and hosting opportunity and hosting is defiantly something I like to do!

When I reflect on the decision to add this hobby to my list, I believe why I was so drawn to the idea was it seems like a great way to please and entertain my good friends and family...but don't think that this means people can get hammered at my bar, this is more of a social treat. At the same time all the research says that you should build your bar in accordance with your taste personality, so it goes without saying that my bar will start off as a old fashion gentlemen bar.

The question comes up how will you determine that this goal is complete?  seeing as a good bar takes years and years and constantly changes. I will answer this by saying that I have decided that my bar will be considered complete when I have the appropriate bar gear, glasses, and 10 bottles.

I'm very happy to say that I have bought my first bottle (Kentucky Straight Bourbon by Jim Beam) I picked this because it is currently what I like to drink the most and as far as whiskey's go I find that Bourbon has the most desirable taste. I have also bought my first set of glasses for the bar, I went with a set of old fashion rock glasses and standard tall glasses. The short glasses will be used for serving drinks on the rocks or neat, the tall glasses can be used for popular drinks such as Paralizer's, Mojito's and Ceaser's.

I hope to make you all a drink one day, with much love Brett

PS Please note I plan to start some side bars on the right side of the page to let people know about the items that are currently in progress.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

#36 Rent a Limo (Complete)

High Class Taxi Ride!

"Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down." 
Oprah Winfrey 

So completing #36 on my list (rent a limo) came as a complete surprise! We had just finished yuk yuk's for Jenelle's b-day and decided we were going to head back to Coquitlam for drinks, when BAM! Jen orders a limo. The reason for doing this was pretty simple, it was more fun than taking the sky train and cheaper than renting three cabs.

So like a bunch of clowns in a small car we piled into the limo. I believe the reason I enjoyed it so much was because of how spontaneous the whole thing was and of course I felt like a high roller. The limo was amazing but it was the spontaneity that really made it a treat. The limo was pretty much what I expected it to be: everyone had drinks and it was full of funky lights and music, definitely a good time. The best part was that I got to control the music so the party rocked the way I wanted it to.

Overall the ride was a ton of fun and it was also a great reminder of how important it is to have some spontaneity in life. I feel that although I love to plan out events with detail, spontaneity is definitely one of the keys to a good life. Sometimes when life is going well we can get bogged down with routine and become stagnant but changing it up once in awhile helps the soul to stay youthful.

So I propose a toast to always stay youthful through the bond of spontaneity and friendship

Always with love, Bretzgky

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

#12 Comedy Show (Complete)

Big Laughs In the City
"We don't laugh because we're happy - we're happy because we laugh. "
William James 

So another week has passed and I have completed two more items on my list. Last weekend was  Jenelle's 26th birthday, at which I completed #12 on my list: See a Comedy Show.

I believe Jenelle's birthday was a pretty big success. The people who attended were Elliot, Courtney, Adam, Meghan, Chelsea, Brad, Beth, Steven, Jen, Blayke, Nicole, Kayla, Billy, myself and of course the birthday girl! We started off the night by going to Original Joe's downtown where we all had some amazing drinks (such as bull dogs) accompanied by some delicious food! I was personally surprised by how good the butter chicken actually is at OJ's!
 After our meal we all headed to Yuk Yuk's (downtown Vancouver), which was a short walk. As a whole the comedians were a pretty solid lot but as the night went on the talent seemed to get weaker, which tends to be the opposite of most shows I've seen in the past. I was surprised by how clever some of the host's jokes were, such as the comment about eating whole boxes of cookies and switching to fig newtons...humm sounds like something I'd do.
The first act was pretty good, he was full of awkward silences and had a very odd physical appearance, which was the blunt of most of his jokes. He was also introduced as being one of the writers of Corner Gas (a show I like).
The second act started out hilarious as his skit was in reference to his youthful look and the disadvantages that came with that. His rookie skills were evident as he was unable to switch topics...but none the less a good showing.
The head liner was a female comedian  which is something you don't see every day! She was defiantly skillful and had enough material to fill up the act. It was evident that she had been working on her material for sometime and although she followed through with great punch lines, I had heard many similar jokes before.
 I've done comedy shows many times before and I have always enjoyed it as it's almost always a good bang for your buck. Even if comedians aren't funny, the unpredictability of a crowd always makes for a entertaining situation. What was great about this time though was that it was for Jenelle's b-day and also because it was held in a different location than usual. I will be doing this again but my only hope is that the next time I go it will be a larger venue, with a more professional act.

P.S this was only the first half of the night! Stay tuned for the second half where I got to complete another list item!

Salute, Captain Koolaid!