Look deep into nature and you will understand everything better
~Albert Einstein~
On Aug 3rd my dear friend Mike came for a 3 day visit with his girlfriend Lisa. Mike and I go way back to my college days (feels like a long time ago now). We met during my 3rd year when I lived on the KLO campus. Mike and I shared a dorm with 3 other guys and we hit it off instantly; we have lots in common and get each others sense of humor. After our school season we decided to get a two bed room apartment of our own, which lead to the famous KLO bachelor pad. The KLO pad was by far the closest thing I have lived in to a complete man cave. Pizza boxes and tacky posters everywhere, we even had the signature worn in futon. Mike was the founder and the first of 4 roommates that I would soon live with at the pad..so all the good times that were had at the pad, we had Mike to thank!
Last year Jenelle and I met up with Mike on Granville Island where he introduced us to his his girlfriend, Lisa. To great surprise when Mike and Lisa visited for the second time, they announced their engagement, which is great news as they are a perfect match for each other.So once again, I'd like to say congratulations to you two love birds!
When Mike told us that he was coming for a visit, I saw it as a great opportunity to cross something fun off my list. I knew it had been a long time since Mike had been in Kelowna and I also was very aware that he was probably missing the amazing mountains we take for granted every day. Needless to say, it was a perfect chance to go for a hike at the new Kelowna Mountain Park I had been hearing so much about.
At first glance Kelowna Mountain is a bit of a eye soar as it truly scars the landscape, but from the development that has been done so far they do make a decent attempt at keeping somewhat of a natural element. For example we have the man made waterfall in the picture above.
They are also in the process of building a vineyard, which stays true to the Okanagan culture, but the most impressive attraction is the 400m suspension bridge; which is the longest in North America.
The hike consists of 4 suspension bridges representing each of the 4 elements, each bridge gives a breath taking view of Kelowna and its surroundings. The Hike also has a board walk that circles a freshly developed Koi pond.
Some of the more interesting features are the giant size sundial, the lights for night walks, and the gazebos to escape the harsh sun (it is very hot up that high!)
My two favorite parts of the hike were probably the impressive giant outdoor amphitheater that over looks the Okanagan Valley and makes for a impressive rock concert venue and the hollowed out giant bolder that appears to be the making of a wet cave bar.
So I picked this hike thinking it would be much like other hikes I have done, but it was definitely unique and I know it was an amazing site for Mike and Lisa.
Interesting fact: Okanagan Mountain is apparently in the process of also building a golf course, ski hill and a spa resort that will offer fancy picnic packages that can be used anywhere on the grounds. So for final words, I've never seen something like this and I plan to do it many many more times!
Hike like a rock star sincerely Combat Wombat!