Friday, August 9, 2013

#31 Play on a Multi-Sport Team (Complete)

To be able to play a sport is one thing, to be able to play all of them....that's IMPRESSIVE!

If winning isn't everything, why do they keep score?
~Vince Lombardi~

So I have completed #31 on my list, which is to play on a multi-sport team. In fact I didn't just play on a team I RAN it! The team was a great group of people in the picture above starting from left to right on the top row we had Dave, Tyler, myself, Steve and Geoff on the bottom starting on the left we had Jess, Nicole, Amy, Jenelle and Mallory.  

Although the league was fairly unorganized I still had a lot of fun and we got to play a wide range of games such as soccer, football, volleyball, rugby, ultimate frisbee  kickball and capture the flag. The games I enjoyed the most...other then soccer, were kickball and capture the flag, both amazing games that I had not played since high school.  Capture the flag was extremely fun as we had approximately 80 people playing all at once, which created such amazing chaos!

Despite being not officiated all the games proceeded fairly well with the exception of one. I also have to note for a first time team we did extremely well finishing second in the league! We have currently entered our team in a beach volleyball league and are on track to make it into playoffs, which is exciting, We are planing to play indoor volleyball in the fall and then go back to multi-sport again in the winter.

The best part about creating this team was not just the exercise and the ability to try new sports but also the socialization and the starting of new friendships. I am glad to say that our team is running strong and it looks like we will be continuing onward and trying new sports.

Captain Kool-aid signing out 

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